3 responses

  1. Matthew Hoffman
    November 17, 2013

    Just 4? But it’s perfect! I mean, every time I see Davis sing “I’ve Written a Letter to Daddy” part of me dies and another is born. “You forgot cher money!!!”


  2. Ulkar Alakbarova
    November 18, 2013

    Disagree with the review. Movie is perfect, And to me, it’s one of my favorite movies ever. Joan and Bette dont need to prove anything to anyone. Even though they both hated each other but they were still more alike than they could imagine.


    • Nick Watson
      November 18, 2013

      Thats great that you disagree, but telling me you think it’s perfect doesn’t tell me why you like it. I never said either star had to “prove anything”, in fact I make multiple points stating the opposite. It’s a good film that I feel is faulted by its running time and some plot redundancies. But I’m glad you’ve read my review and cared to share your opinion.


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