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KUNG FU ELLIOT (#HotDocs14 Review)


Directed by Matthew Bauckman and Jaret Belliveau

Get ready to go on the journey of a lifetime with Canada’s self-proclaimed karate champion, Elliot “White Lightening” Scott. For the past few years, Scott, along with his girlfriend/cinematographer/producer, Linda Lum, has spent his days devoted to expanding his film career. The two have previously made the no-budget films, STALKER AND THE HERO and THEY KILLED MY CAT. Now, they are working on their “biggest” film yet, BLOOD FIGHT. In KUNG FU ELLIOT, documentarians, Matthew Bauckman and Jaret Belliveau, follow Scott on his multi-national journey to becoming Canada’s first great action hero.


At first, the film is extremely funny. It is endlessly entertaining watching Elliot and Linda film their corny action scenes with her small point-and-shoot camera. While it is initially fun to witness Elliot’s self-delusion that he will actually become a famous movie star, it eventually becomes rather sad. Just past half-way through the film, KUNG FU ELLIOT takes a very dramatic turn, and it is revealed that there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to Elliot Scott.

KUNG FU ELLIOT is very humorous, but it is also surprisingly poignant. Bauckman and Belliveau have crafted a very strong portrait of what is revealed to be a very weak man.

4.5 sheep


#HotDocs14 Screenings

04.30, 6:30 PM, Scotiabank Theatre

05.01, 3:30 PM, Scotiabank Theatre

05.02, 9:30 PM, Scotiabank Theatre

Click here for tickets!


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